Bachelor Thesis (B-TM-YT0440)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
30 ECTSDutch10 Second termSecond term
Scheirs Marc (coordinator) |  Ceuppens Marc

Technical knowledge and analysis: The student formulates a clear problem definition, objective and assignment in consultation with the client. He / she substantiates the assignment by means of analysis and research.

Design: The student designs a technological solution for a product or service, based on the program of requirements and that meets requirements regarding safety, environment, technical and economic lifespan. He / she motivates the choice made for the various components. He / she develops a prototype as a means of communication.

Realize: test and implement: The student delivers a solution for a product or service based on his design. The solution is a complete and correct implementation of all stated requirements. He / she verifies and validates the product or service against the set requirements. He / she documents the realization process.

Management: The student allows the technological system to function optimally in his application context or work environment. He / she draws up a management system with a view to continued optimal functioning.

Communicate: The student communicates purposefully about the assignment. He / she is able to clearly summarize the various aspects of the complex situation, to articulate orally and in writing and to present them visually.

Enterpreneurship: The student looks for innovative solutions. He / she takes into account the commercial feasibility and economic preconditions.

Project and performance management: He / she tackles assignments in a project-based manner and respects the planning.

Collaboration: The student works expertly, constructively and participatively with the client and / or with fellow students.

The bachelor's thesis cannot be included in the individual year program of a student who still has to complete a limited part of a previous program stage.

An exception to the above rule applies if the student includes in his individual year program both a limited number of remaining course units from the previous program stage and all course units from the final program stage.


This course unit is a non-tolerable course unit in the following study programme(s):


30 ects. Bachelor Thesis (B-TM-YT5490)

30 ECTSDutchFormat: Bachelor's paper10 Second termSecond term
Ceuppens Marc

The bachelor's thesis is a project that, usually in a period of 12 weeks, is worked out by a graduating (professional) bachelor.

The level of this project, corresponds to the level of a project that is normally entrusted to a starting employee, level professional bachelor, in a company (or research group), possibly after the implementation period. The difference is that the student carries out this assignment under the supervision of a person within the company (or research group), the company promoter. The company promoter is responsible for managing the student and can give tips and advice on the approach of the project. Feedback on this is exchanged at regular intervals with the university college promoter who takes on the same task within the university.

Depending on the size of the project, the bachelor's thesis can be carried out by one or a maximum of two students.

When describing the assignment, the measurability of the final result must be taken into account. Clearly defined objectives facilitate a correct evaluation of the project.

-Special regulations for internships and theses
-Manual "BACHELORPROEF Guidelines for the student".

-Pollefliet L, Writing from report to thesis - do's & don'ts Ghent, Academia Press, 2013, XII Sixth revised edition.
-Study material and extra info on TOLEDO/CANVAS
-Manuals and the Internet.

The students receive an assignment in a company or on campus. During the internship period, the students carry out the assignment. They submit a thesis, the whole is concluded with a presentation and defence.

The students are assigned a teacher from the study programme as supervisor.

The students are assigned a supervisor (company promoter) in the company. When the thesis takes place on campus, a staff member (the client) is appointed as company promoter.

The students work independently on an assignment. They report to their supervisors


Bachelor Thesis (B-TM-YT7440)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Computer

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

First exam opportunity: continuous evaluation with jury exam in June.

The evaluation of this course unit consists of several evaluation activities:

Administration & respecting deadlines before, during and after the internship (pass/fail; 5%)*


Mid-term presentation (15%)


Assessment by the company promoter (15%)

Internship & attitudes (7,5%)

The final product (7,5%)


Jury examination (65%):

 The jury members individually assess each student separately on the assessment criteria below:

The thesis (15%)**

The final realisation (20%)

The final presentation (10%)

The oral defense during the final presentation (20%)


* If the student misses one of the predetermined deadlines, and not because of force majeure, the ‘Administration’ component will be assessed as ‘fail’.

** Since reporting in a thesis is an essential learning objective of the course unit "Bachelor Thesis", not submitting the thesis results in a maximum of 9/20 for the entire course unit.

More details on the feedback activities and evaluation criteria can be found in the document Regulations and Guidelines Bachelor Thesis Tech& IT campus De Nayer (Canvas).

Students who take their bachelor thesis outside the regular period (regular = start internship beginning 2nd semester), contact the bachelor thesis coordinator of their program in time to obtain information and deadlines outside the regular period.

This course unit does not allow partial mark transfers.

This course unit does not allow partial mark transfers.

This course unit does not allow partial mark transfers.


After the first exam opportunity, the student will receive a remedy on the same assignment. The student receives a written report on the final assessment of the first exam opportunity. The promotors draw up a remediation report and draw up a written agreement with the student regarding the second exam opportunity.


Due to the nature of the course, students can only be examined once a year on certain evaluation components of the bachelor thesis. In particular, for 'administration' and 'internship & attitudes’ resits are not possible. For these components, the result of the first examination opportunity is adopted in the second examination opportunity.  Also, the part ‘interim presentation’ cannot be retaken for organizational reasons. To compensate for this, more weight is given to the final presentation during the jury examination.


Other components can be retaken and are assessed as during the first examination opportunity. In other words, the student submits a new bachelor thesis and does a final presentation + defence in front of a jury.


The evaluation of this course unit in the retake session consists of several evaluation components:

Administration & respecting deadlines before, during and after the internship (5%)

Result of the first examination opportunity is used.


Assessment by the company promoter (15%)

Internship & attitudes (7,5%) Result of the first examination opportunity is used.

The final product (7,5%)*


Jury examination (80%) 

The thesis (15%)**

The final realisation (20%)

The final presentation (25%)

The oral defense during the final presentation (20%)


More details on the feedback activities and evaluation criteria can be found in the document Regulations and Guidelines Bachelor Thesis Tech& IT campus De Nayer (Canvas).


Students who take their bachelor thesis outside the regular period (regular = start internship beginning 2nd semester), contact the bachelor thesis coordinator of their program in time to obtain information and deadlines outside the regular period.


*Evaluated by the company promoter. If the university college does not receive an assessment from the company promotor, the jury assesses the final realisation at the rate of 27,5% (instead of 20%). This means that - in the calculation of the total - the point quoted by the jury on the final realisation is adopted to the point by the company promotor.


**Since reporting in a thesis is an essential learning objective of the course unit "Bachelor Thesis", not submitting the thesis results in a maximum of 9/20 for the entire course unit.